Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Snickers Commercials

I have to admit, I'm a fan of these new run of Snickers commercials. Here's a sample of the one running currently:

This isn't the version I initially saw. The one I saw was slightly more edited and I still loved it.
Alright, here's the honest truth. I have a girlfriend. And, I love her a lot. But, when she gets hungry, I swear to all that is holy that she turns into Joe Pesci. So, basically, I have a bit of a personal relation to these stories. However, I know she is not the exception. I think this goes for a lot of people, too, and I have friends that immediately exhibit celebrity idiosyncrasies when they reach a level of hunger.

Here's another I love:

And another:

Basically, the format is simple, and I love it. Set up is a celebrity annoying normal characters, who treat the issues with the product. Once product has been ingested, that person reverts to normal. But, in a twist, the last scene has a once normal person become an annoying celebrity. It's great because 1) we all have friend who get annoying and whiney when they get hungry, 2) we know celebrities can be annoying, and 3) we like to laugh at annoying celebrities. These guys have it figured out. I believe this is the first of the run (at least in my mind):

It seems as though the Snickers folk have some very good ad wizards up their sleeve. They have a running formula, for now, and it seems to work. I don't regularly eat Snickers but I think of them. However, this success in ad campaigns is recent. Though I didn't hate it, I didn't enjoy this campaign: http://youtu.be/6e0Gsn4khss%20,, although the one I'm showing you is the less common, full version, which is way better than the edited version more commonly shown on T.V.

Even though I understand the concept, and agree with it, the execution couldn't have been more disturbing: http://youtu.be/N37nayVB-RI

Truth be told, Snickers does satisfy you:

It's been an advertising slogan for decades. It's nice to seem them stick with it, like creamy nougat and ad a nutty modern take on it.

Remember this ad? I thought it was pretty funny:

However, this is one moment I felt they strayed from their original concept. This athlete is not necessarily hungry, he's suffering from a concussion. Further, the concept is, "not going anywhere for awhile? Eat a Snickers." Basically, if you're just sitting there, eat our product, out of boredom. That's a lame sales pitch.

Snickers has been with American society for a long time, and I doubt they are going anywhere, especially with the advertising firm they're with now. But, frankly, I think they should have continued with this advertising vein:

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